Pace - Be at peace

Pacta sunt servanda - Agreements are to be kept. (Cicero)

Pactum serva - Keep the faith

Palmam qui meruit ferat - Let him who has earned it bear the reward

Pars maior lacrimas ridet et intus habet - You smile at your tears but have them in your heart. (Martialis)

Parva leves capiunt animas - Small things occupy light minds (small things amuse small minds)

Patria est communis omnium parens - Our native land is the common parent of us all. (Cicero)

Pavesco, pavesco - I'm shaking, I'm shaking

Pax et bonum! - Peace and salvation!

Pax tecum - May peace be with you (Singular)

Pax vobiscum - May peace be with you (Plural)

Peccatum tacituritatis - Sin of silence

Pecunia in arbotis non crescit - Money does not grow on trees

Per angusta in augusta - Through difficulties to great things

Per aspera ad astra - Through the thorns to the stars

Per varios usus artem experientia fecit - Through different exercises practice has brought skill. (Manilius)

Perfer et obdura; dolor hic tibi proderit olim - Be patient and tough; some day this pain will be useful to you. (Ovid)

Periculum in mora - There is danger in delay. (Livy)

Perpetuo vincit qui utitur clementia - He is forever victor who employs clemency. (Syrus)

Perscriptio in manibus tabellariorum est - The check is in the mail

Pessimus inimicorum genus, laudantes - The worst kind of enemies, those who can praise. (Tacitus)

Philosophum non facit barba! - The beard does not define a philosopher

Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate - Entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily

Plusque minusque - More or less

Poeta fit, non nascitur - A poet is made, he is not born

Poeta nascitur, non fit - The poet is born, not made

Poli, poli, di umbuendo - Slowly, Slowly we will get there

Pone ubi sol non lucet! - Put it where the sun don't shine!

Possunt quia posse videntur - They can because they think they can

Post tenebras lux - After the darkness, light

Potes currere sed te occulere non potes - You can run, but you can't hide

Potest ex casa magnus vir exire - A great man can come from a hut. (Seneca)

Potius Mori Quam Foedar - Death Before Dishonor (Massachusetts Maritime Academy Honor Guard Motto)

Potius sero quam numquam - It's better late than never. (Livy)

Praemonitus pramunitus - Forewarned, forearmed

Praetio prudentia praestat - Prudence supplies a reward

Prehende uxorem meam, sis! - Take my wife, please!

Pret toujours pret - Ready, Always Ready (304TH Signal Battalion Motto)

Primum non nocere - The first thing is to do no harm (Hippocratic oath)

Primum viveri deinde philosophari - Live before you philosophize, or Leap before you look

Primus inter pares - First among his equals

Pro bono publico - For the public good

Pro di immortales! - Good Heavens!

Pro opportunitate - As circumstances allow

Probae esti in segetem sunt deteriorem datae fruges, tamen ipsae suaptae enitent - A good seed, planted even in poor soil, will bear rich fruit by its own nature. (Accius)

Promoveatur ut amoveatur - Let him be promoted to get him out of the way

Propino fibi salutem! - Cheers!

Proximus sum egomet mihi - I am closest to myself. (Charity begins at home.) (Terence)

Pueri pueri, pueri puerilia tractant - Children are children, (therefore) children do childish things

Purgamentum init, exit purgamentum - Garbage in, garbage out

Puris omnia pura - To the pure all things are pure