Vacca foeda - Stupid cow

Vade in pace - Go in peace (Roman way of saying goodbye)

Vae victis! - Woe to the conquered! (vanquished) (Livy)

Vagans - Cruising

Vale, lacerte! - See you later, alligator!

Variatio delectat - There's nothing like change! (Cicero)

Velle est posse - To be willing is to be able

Veni vidi vici - I came, I saw, I conquered. (Julius Caesar)

Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire - I came, I saw, I want to go home

Venienti occurrite morbo - Meet the misfortune as it comes. (Persius)

Ventis secundis, tene cursum - Go with the flow

Ventis secundis, tene/tenete cursum - The winds being favorable, hold the course

Verba de futuro - Words about the future

Verba volant, (littera) scripta manet - Words fly away, the written (letter) remains

Verbum sapienti sat est - A word to the wise is sufficient

Veritas vincit - Truth conquers

Veritas vos liberabit - The truth shall make you free

Verveces tui similes pro ientaculo mihi appositi sunt - I have jerks like you for breakfast

Vescere bracis meis - Eat my shorts

Vestigia terrent - The footprints frighten me. (Horace)

Vestis virum reddit - The clothes make the man. (Quintilianus)

Veto - I forbid

Via media - A middle way or course

Vice versa - In reverse

Victis honor - Honour to the vanquished

Victoria, non praeda - Victory, not loot

Victurus te saluto - He who is about to win salutes you

Vide et credere - See and believe

Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor - I see the better way and approve it, but I follow the worse way

Vidistine nuper imagines moventes bonas? - Seen any good movies lately?

Vigilando, agendo, bene consulendo, prospera omnia cedunt - By watching, by doing, by counsulting well, these things yield all things prosperous. (Sallust)

Vincit omnia amor - Love conquers all

Vincit omnia veritas - Truth conquers all

Vincit qui se vincit - He conquers who conquers himself

Vinculum unitatis - The bond of unity

Vinum bellum iucunumque est, sed animo corporeque caret - It's a nice little wine, but it lacks character and depth

Vinum et musica laetificant cor - Wine and music gladden the heart

Vir prudens non contra ventum mingit - A wise man does not urinate against the wind

Vir sapit qui pauca loquitur - That man is wise who talks little (know when to hold your tongue)

Vires acquirit eundo - It gains strength by going / as it goes. (Virgil)

Virtus in medio stat - Virtue stands in the middle

Virtute et armis - By courage and by arms

Virus - Poison or slime

Vis comica - Sense of humour

Vis medicatrix naturae - The healing power of nature

Visa - Things seen

Vita brevis, ars lunga - Life is short, art is long

Vita luna! - Crazy life!

Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est - Life is more than merely staying alive

Vita sine libris mors est - Life without books is death

Vitam impendere vero - To risk one's life for the truth

Vitanda est improba siren desidia - One must steer clear of the wicked temptress, Laziness. (Horace)

Vitiis nemo sine nascitur - No-one is born without faults. (Horace)

Vivos voco, mortuos plango - I call the living, I mourn the dead (on a church bell)

Volo, non valeo - I am willing but unable

Vos vestros servate, meos mihi linquite mores - You cling to your own ways and leave mine to me. (Petrarch)

Vultus est index animi - The face is the index of the soul/mind